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Scenes from the snow

PapaJanuary 10, 2011 - 7:20 pm

MAX – Your sled is bigger than you! What fun you are having playing in the snow with your Daddy! Love these Mommy’s photos.

PapaJanuary 10, 2011 - 7:21 pm

MAX – Your sled is bigger than you! What fun you and your Daddy are having playing in the snow. Great Mommy’s photos!

LolaJanuary 10, 2011 - 8:12 pm

Dad’s tooshy is too big for that sled. You gotta spread your legs and put Maxi inside, so your hands are free and you can hold him in! I wondere if Dad is gonna drop from exhaustion in one of these pictures, while Mom snaps it. I wanna see mom on the sled – she can fit Maxi nicely.

SuSuJanuary 10, 2011 - 9:28 pm

Your are living in the right part of the country for all this snow fun. You will have to show me how to do these things when I’m there.

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