Mondays with Max » Blog

Papa visits Max

Papa visited you both in the city and in the country this weekend. It was such an action-packed weekend, we hardly took photos! This was you sending Papa off in the car to the airport.

After your Papa Larry left, we had some quality time.  Your dad went on a business trip and it was just the two of us in the morning and at night. . .

Until your Great Aunt Nancy came to sleep over (and brought you a fireman’s fire extinguisher)


LolaAugust 20, 2011 - 4:50 pm

Well . . . so much to see, so much to say:
1-How come a cardboard box always trumps the most expensive toy?
2-Papa, Max and Randy look great in that shot (and Jean looks like a perfect wife in her shot)!
3-Max,the fireman looks loaded for bear; he can water the furniture at Auntie Nancy’s house.

Papa Larry: Keep it up; you’re looking good!

PapaAugust 20, 2011 - 5:45 pm

MAX – I had such great fun spending the weekend with you, your Mommy, your Daddy, Aunt Amy, Aunt Susan and ZULU. I’ll especially remember the trip back to the city when you were eating the crackers blowing the crumbs all over everything including me – I haven’t laughed so much in a long time. Am so glad your Mommy took these photos. I
will have to make a return trip soon – I had such fun being with all of you!

nancy kramerAugust 21, 2011 - 8:06 pm

Max, you were so cute with your fire extinguisher that you stopped foot traffic on seventh avenue spraying everyone and making them laugh. Ok, don’t do dat when you’re 12!

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