Mondays with Max » Blog

More New York parks … and vehicles

Max: our new bike riding gig is opening the city up to you.

We’ve been able to make some pretty nice stops at great parks here and there.

We found a little on this weekend in Tribeca that was just delightful.

You enjoyed playing in the sand.  They even had and abundance of sand toys for everyone to use.

You really know how to play with sand and buckets now.

And the big news is that you are standing without holding on to anything quite a lot.

You even take a few steps here and there.  The record is 12 steps.  Your Grandpa Richard saw it – he was here visiting you this week.

And the other news is that you are finally wearing your helmet (without too much fuss).

We have two videos to share this week.  As I mentioned, your Grandpa Richard was in town this week.  He often comes bearing gifts.  They tend to be on the large side.  This week, he sent three new vehicles for you, knowing your fondness for wheels.  One is a small battery-run yellow car that you just love and go zooming around with.  The other two are more advanced: one is a a little bike that you peddle and that has various controls that make an array of sounds.  You are too little for the peddles but you love operating the controls.  The other is a fully battery powered motorized kawasaki ATV.  You figured it out in about a second, at 6:30 in the morning right after it charged overnight.  You are a little afraid of it right now – but not when a friend drives apparently.

Our house seriously looks like a parking garage.

PapaOctober 4, 2010 - 6:08 am

MAX – Hooray! You’re wearing your bike helmet and are standing all by yourself . Great photos of you in the park playing in the sand. You and Bea are having such fun zooming around the apartment.

LolaOctober 4, 2010 - 11:30 am

STANDING SOLO, HOLDING A BUCKET OF SAND!!! Max: You are ready to get a job – construction maybe. As for the Kawasaki, I think it should be restricted to outside use – the country house is perfect- soft landings. A very handsome guy, I gotta say.

LolaOctober 5, 2010 - 9:04 pm

Looking at the videos for the week, yet again; I notice that Bea drives without looking forward, and – she is wearing a bandage on her forehead. Are Jean and Chike beginning practice for age 16, with my grandson as passenger?

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