Mondays with Max » Blog

Midnight Max

Max, muffin, you were quite a challenge this weekend.  You decided that you would not sleep.  Not sure exactly what was going on but you seemed to wake up with rather bad dreams or something of the sort at about 3:45 on Fri, Sat and Sun mornings.

Needless to say, we were all quite exhausted by the process – you included – and it was hard to enjoy the weekend.

Even Zulu was completely miffed – she proceeded to throw up at 4 a.m. and 5 a.m. this morning.  We all need rest.

You went back to bed this morning after we sat and rocked for a while in the wee hours.  Then you actually slept until a bit past 6:30.   At that point, you were fresh and rested and ready to start your week with Jean – oh boy.

Luckily on Sunday your aunt came over to play with you and give us a little break.  She thinks you are a bit wild right now but she really wasn’t put off by your over-tired, cranky state (we are lucky).

Zulu rested.

You two wrestled and chased each other.

You practiced standing and walking.

And making  your funny faces.

See how confident you are on your feet now?

You are still enjoying all your vehicles.

Even if you are scaring Zulu with them.

Let’s hope for a peaceful night tonight.

nancy kramerOctober 18, 2010 - 10:48 pm

I just don’t know Max, I come on to the scene and your two parents and the dog are just dazed with exhaustion and frustration and the next thing I know, you and I are crawling around and giggling. What’s with them? Anyway, enough with the fresh air and bike riding, it’s time for you and me to hit the sweaty, noisy, smelly subways together. I can’t wait. Love, auntie

SuSuOctober 18, 2010 - 11:24 pm

Max, you look so big when you’re vertical. I think you’re definitely ready for a subway ride. Can you imagine how excited you’ll be to hear that engine roar. Better than the helicopters you’ve been mesmerized by?

PapaOctober 19, 2010 - 6:50 am

MAX -You are entitled to be cranky sometimes as we all are. So proud of the fine job you are doing walking and having such fun with your Auntie. You’re getting to be a big boy!

PapaOctober 19, 2010 - 6:50 am


LolaOctober 19, 2010 - 8:52 pm

Max: Auntie Nancy knows boys; she always wrestles with them. However, I think someone should take a look in that diaper now and then. That’s a very odd shape for a diaper.
I hope you feel better; I have a bad cold and know how it is to be stuffed and scratchy-throat.

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