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Max’s weekend with Papa

Your Papa Larry was in town this weekend.  You had a great time.  You played a lot with Zulu (you are both getting better at playing with each other).  And you and Papa Larry went through all of your toys.  He brought you some new ones with all sorts of buttons, bells and whistles – you loved having some new things to discover.

On Sunday, it was a gorgeous day and we spent time in a playground nearby.

You love running around outside and you don’t fall that often – and when you do, you catch yourself on your hands and then get right up and keep going.

You showed us that you know exactly how to navigate a slide.  You turn right around and get on your tummy and slide down feet first.

Between our apartment, and the park, which has little bikes and cars for all to ride, you rode an amazing number of vehicles this weekend.

And by the end of it all, you were more than ready for your nap.

LolaNovember 15, 2010 - 9:32 pm

Well . . . Max, so much to say:
First, no more baby; just a little boy in very sharp sneakers.
And I love your bright blue jacket – the color of your eyes.
And Grandpa Larry is having way too much fun with you; he snuck off and said nothing about going to visit with you. Lucky you; so many grandparents in your life. Gee, already walking around, and the same age as your mother. Genes.
Your dad seems to always have a lot of fun with you, just being a kid again. No more growing,Max; stay the same for at least 10 years.

PapaNovember 16, 2010 - 6:50 am

MAX – My visit with you was the best! I had such a great time at the park with you- from our early morning walk with your Daddy & Aunt Amy ’til we tucked you in bed at night. It was such fun for me to see you walking everywhere ( about 90 mph.)You are getting to be a big boy and are getting cuter and cuter – especially your blonde curls and juicy cheeks! You’re talking a mile-a-minute and understand everything we say to you ( so we have to be careful of what we say!) Hope you had as much fun as I did – know your Papa loves you LOTS!

SuSuNovember 18, 2010 - 6:52 pm

I’m praying the weather holds out till our weekend with you after Thanksgiving. It seems like an eternity since I’ve seen you. You didn’t walk or talk at all the last time, and it was only 2 months ago. Imagine how fast you’re growing up. Save some fun for us, all of you, because we’re on our way. Happy Thanksgiving coming up. Love, Susu

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