Mondays with Max » Blog

Max’s weekend part I: Max gets another haircut

Max: we’re going to make this week’s Mondays with Max into two posts because it’s late and mommy needs to go to sleep.  Lola is visiting.  You had a lot of fun with her this weekend.  But not so much during your second haircut, which you had on Saturday.  We found a new place in the neighborhood that is part children’s store, part children’s salon (very clever) and they have an airplane to sit in when you get your hair done.

We thought you’d love this.

And indeed you did at first.

You are even initially into the pretty woman who was to do your hair.

And quite distracted by the plane.

And maybe a little interested in the comb.

Until you remembered the horror of having your hair cut.

And it all went bad.

Daddy brought out a giant sock monkey.

And that was good for a second.

And then you remembered what was going on.

You looked pleadingly at mommy.

Lola tried to distract you.

You just wanted it to stop.

Poor baby.

But look how cute you were in the plane

Zulu has seen it all.

To be continued later today …

PapaOctober 11, 2010 - 8:18 am

MAX – I knew you were multi talented , but flying an airplane while getting your hair cut
is exceptional! You are just too cute!

nancy kramerOctober 11, 2010 - 11:15 pm

Max, I’m 63 and I have to tell you that it doesn’t get any easier!
I think you’ll agree that hippies had the right idea.

LolaOctober 12, 2010 - 10:48 am

Max, I would only remind you, that after one of these hair-cutting episodes, the adults leave the shop wrung out. Auntie Nancy may be right: a pony tail may be the answer.

SuSuOctober 13, 2010 - 8:16 am

Pretty adorable.

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