Mondays with Max » Blog

Max’s sad (but a little happy) weekend

Max: you were the unhappiest little child in Manhattan this weekend.  You had a doctor’s appointment earlier this week and got two shots.  A couple of days later, you started feeling rather miserable, and then on Saturday, you developed a head-to-toe rash.  We were a little concerned you had a reaction to a vaccine – and we called the doctor.  You were so unhappy and uncomfortable, it was heart-breaking.

Then, while we were waiting for the doctor to return our call, we had a nifty idea to take you on a bike ride.  It was a beautiful day on Saturday.  And sitting at home definitely wasn’t helping you.

We went down to the local bike store, and rented bikes, including one for your dad with a child seat.

At first, you weren’t so sure what you thought.  But as soon as we got going, you were so relaxed, with your little mop blowing in the wind, that you had a great time (yes – we tried a bike helmet and he was having none of it – cut us a bit of slack).  We couldn’t believe it.  Once we were underway, the doctor called.  We explained your symptoms to the on-call doctor and he said to bring you in.  We biked on over!  The doctor said you have a virus that’s going around. Not a lot we can do about it, unfortunately. And the only thing that seems to relax you is biking!

So – off we went again on Sunday.  We grabbed whatever bikes they had …

… which meant a double-seater (mom briefly considered jumping on).

We went back along the west side park.

Where we were right alongside the statue of liberty.

We saw some pretty strange stuff.

We stopped to listen to a concert …

And to appreciate the trees.

And ended with a little roadside lunch.  You are finally asleep now (we think).  It’s after 11 pm and you’ve already woken up many times.  We just gave you some motrin and sat with you for a long time.  Let’s see.

Uncle GrantSeptember 20, 2010 - 12:12 pm

Max, I can attest you were grumpy this weekend, but with good cause. You’re lucky to have such devoted and sporty parents.

PapaSeptember 20, 2010 - 1:00 pm

MAX – I’m so sorry you were not not feeling well this weekend, but hope by now you are better. Your bike ride was a great idea – how lucky you are to have such creative parents. Know I am thinking about you ( as I do many time each day ) and am so glad for the wonderful photos taken by your Mom. I love you. Papa

LolaSeptember 20, 2010 - 1:30 pm

Three things come to mind looking at this adventure:
1- Dad: Two hands on the handlebars, please!
2- How did that footsie escape the seat belt?
3- It’s definitely Freudian that you took a bike with two baby seats.

That’s a great shot across to the statue of liberty. Some day you will have to explain to Max that is where is great grandparents came in to the country (legally, of course).

nancy kramerSeptember 20, 2010 - 10:47 pm

Isn’t it great just knowing that they make bicycles for two babies.

SuSuSeptember 23, 2010 - 4:54 pm

How fun, fun, fun was all that bike riding! That bike seat looks really comfy and secure. Isn’t it the best to have someone pedaling you around. Cute trick to be able to rest your head on foot.

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