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Max’s eventful weekend (part 3)

Then later that day it was off for a visit to auntie Lexi and uncle’s grant’s.

Uncle Grant was at work – he missed all the fun.

You and Bowie enjoyed catching up.

You wreaked some havoc on their apartment.

You played with Uncle Grant’s new modem (don’t tell him).  And enjoyed the tv flickr, telephone and answering machine.  Auntie Lexi let you walk Bowie for a little bit.

And then it was back home.

On Sunday you woke up with a little cold.  You went off to the park and had a great time with dad, Aunt Amy, and Zulu.  By the time you got home, however, you had a full blown cold.  You spent the day sniffling and would not nap.  You are finally sleeping but I can hear you sniffling across the hall, poor baby.  Hope you feel better tomorrow.

On a last note, these are two unedited videos from last week.  You love playing with the toy train Jean bought you for your birthday.  It’s one of your favorites.

LolaAugust 23, 2010 - 12:24 am

Well Max; I’m exhausted by your weekend. Maybe because it’s 12:15 a.m., but I couldn’t tell who was feeding you your bottle in Auntie Lexi’s apartment: was it mommy or auntie? Also, Auntie Lexi knows that the best toys are in the kitchen – love those blue bowls.
Your haircut is great (I’m sorry you didn’t take Uncle Grant there for a haircut, too). I’m proud of mommy for finally biting the bullet, but I need to know if she saved the first lock.
And as for Thomas the Train, I think mommy’s whooping was what made you so silly; it made me laugh too.
Bet your cold is gone by tomorrow. See you next week.

Love, Lola

PapaAugust 23, 2010 - 6:48 am

MAX – Hope you’re feeling better today – these videos really made me laugh out loud. It sounds like your Mommy really got you laughing – what a great way to start my day !

Uncle GrantAugust 23, 2010 - 10:46 am

Max: I’m so sorry I missed your visit to our home yesterday! (Whatever you do, do not follow in your uncle’s footsteps and become a corporate lawyer.) Glad, though, to see our kitchenware and electronics gave you such a good time. You and I will have to catch up when I file this brief; perhaps a quick trip to the swings? Congrats on your new hairdo! I cry when I get my hair cut too, but it’s because I have so little left…

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