Mondays with Max » Blog

Max goes to the Dominican Republic

We are having a great time. Max: your new thing is that whenever you want to see something or go somewhere you point and say “O show me” … This morning, after waking up at 5 something, you had your milk and then pointed outside and said “Side! O show me!”  The first time you saw the pathways of large stones you said “POOP!” – you urban boy!  You are having a great vacation.

PapaApril 4, 2011 - 12:26 pm

MAX – You are definitely the traveling little man – I love your hat, swim trunks & sandals – it looks like you are having a great time swimming & playing in the sand – fun in the sun – what a beautiful place – how about a photo of your Mommy? Fabulous post! Love, Papa

PapaApril 4, 2011 - 4:14 pm

I forgot to tell you I think your vocabulary is astounding for a man your age & can’t wait to hear you in person. Your Papa had a really good laugh from your Mommy’s word description!

LolaApril 4, 2011 - 7:50 pm

That hat is not big enough! Let in at least one ray of sunshine for a snazzy tan. I see Max, I see Daddy; but where’s mummy?!?

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