Mondays with Max » Blog

Max goes to Maine

Max: wonder why there’s been a bit of a water theme on your new blog?  It’s because you love the water and we’re bringing it to you!  We are on vacation in Maine.  We kidnapped Lola on the way here.  She bought you a wind-up lobster today which you chased all over the house and then all over the bathroom (it’s still ticking).

Our rental house has wonderful private beach frontage.

You and Zulu have already checked it out.

Tomorrow we’re taking you over to Popham beach to check out what we’re told is one of the prettiest beaches in the area.

You are very, very close to walking.  None of us will be surprised if you take your first steps in Maine.

You have quite a personality, Max.

Here’s a little video from last week. Max: you love dancing – it makes everyone laugh …

PapaAugust 2, 2010 - 8:45 am

MAX – You are our ‘boogie woogie’ little man! You and ZULU are loving Maine – it looks like a beautiful spot right on the water. Your Lola is spoiling you good! Have a wonderful time on your vacation! Your Mom’s blog is a great way to start my day. Thanks!

SuSuAugust 2, 2010 - 11:56 pm

What a house, and what a view of the water. You guys are going to have a great couple of weeks there. Sure beats the heat down South. I’m enjoying those sights of you standing and about to take off on those little 2 feet of yours. Should be a fun chase from then on.

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