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Max goes sledding

Max, muffin, I can hear your laughter when I look back at these photos!

SuSuJanuary 3, 2011 - 11:12 pm

Max, what a blast. You are in heaven out there. I feel like I can hear you laughing all the way in Houston.

PapaJanuary 4, 2011 - 7:49 am

MAX – I can’t decide who is having more fun – you or your Daddy! Great photos!

alisonJanuary 5, 2011 - 9:49 am

Max, You are so happy and in the moment. thanks for sharing your smile. xo

LolaJanuary 5, 2011 - 9:43 pm

Max: You can see those New England genes taking hold. But you have to have mittens on a string to be a real Yankee. I can remember pulling your mother and your Aunt Lexi up and down the Weston Center hill, for hours, with frozen feet: “One more time, Mom!” And when they became dare-devils, and could slide themselves, we would go to the Meadowbrook School hill and roll the dice. I can see you’re going to need a high-speed rig soon. Dad is a good sport; but he needs his mittens too.

Uncle GrantJanuary 8, 2011 - 5:28 pm

Happy baby!

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