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Max at the Piers

Aunt AmyNovember 23, 2010 - 7:28 am

Max – you are such a big boy! You are wearing your new tennis shoes and doing a great job navigating the city in them. When your daddy was about your size, he had a coat just like the one you are wearing here. You look just as precious as he did in his. Thanksgiving is around the corner and I can’t wait to spend it with you.

PapaNovember 23, 2010 - 12:28 pm

MAX – My computer has been down hence I have not been able to comment on your New York City driving skills until now. You are practicing to become a New York taxi driver and are already doing a better job than most. The videos taken by your Daddy are terrific and I laughed out loud as I watched them. You navigated the piers and were having such fun pushing your stroller – just like a big boy. I especially am impressed with your skills at watching the camera whilst you are zooming around your apartment.
You are soooo darling – a real treat & joy to behold. I love & miss you lots!
Happy Thanksgiving!

SuSuNovember 28, 2010 - 1:00 pm

Max – You are quite the navigator. I think Bea must have given you some pointers. It’s fun to see you in so many different N.Y. settings. Wonder how those same spots will look when you get to be an even bigger boy and look back at these. I had totally forgotten your dad’s pea coat like the one you have on till Aunt Amy mentioned it. You will be spiffy just like him. Quite the cool guy. Love and kisses

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