Mondays with Max » Blog

Lola visits Max

Max: Lola just reminded me that I hadn’t put up your post yet.  I kept forgetting because daddy has me helping him right now and I lost track of everything else – not that this isn’t more important!

Lola visited this weekend (and for the Thanksgiving holiday – which you slept through).  You had a ton of fun and lots of attention.

Uncle Grant was here quite a bit and played ball with you (you have a very good arm).

He was fun.

Lola brought a new firetruck which you adore even though it’s a little old for you and we had to discard some small parts.

You couldn’t get enough of it – every time you woke up, you just wanted to hit the carpet immediately.

You love taking the bucket at the top of the ladder off…

You had lots of kisses from Lola

And you showed her all you’ve got.

She had a little love left over for Zulu.

How many people does it take to get your shoes on?

By the end of the weekend, you were pretty much exhausted.

You are a much better car passenger now, btw.

LolaNovember 30, 2010 - 9:55 pm

Max: Uncle Grant loves to be with you, but truthfully, mainly, he was always there because food was always there.
You’re a stickler for details, and nothing gets by you. The slightest removable part on anything, has to be removed the second you see it. We put it back; you remove it.
We had such a lovely Thanksgiving dinner; and hopefully, next year, you will sit at table with us, and we will provide lots of crayolas for your amusement. Looking forward.

LolaNovember 30, 2010 - 9:59 pm

P.S: How did Uncle Grant get Zulu into that little car with you?

PapaDecember 1, 2010 - 6:30 am

MAX – What a big Thanksgiving & what a great time you had with everyone in
attendance! You and Lola have something special going on – how lucky you are to have so many loving you so much. Even Uncle Grant is getting to be your buddy – such fun!

SuSuDecember 7, 2010 - 7:34 am

These are precious. Everyone loves you, Max. After this fun weekend, I can see up close and personal how irresistible you still are. You were absolutely faabulous all weekend, all hugs and blowing kisses, and not a tear. You even sat at lunch for Mommy and Daddy to visit with their friend for an hour and a half playing with me! Amazing sweetness.

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