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Max goes to Maine II

Max: we are still vacationing in Maine where the sky is clear and the night sky is full of stars . . . Your Lola left today. She showed you a good time. You got to explore a suburban supermarket with all of its thrills … And you had plenty of time with Lola in […]

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Max goes to Maine

Max: wonder why there’s been a bit of a water theme on your new blog?  It’s because you love the water and we’re bringing it to you!  We are on vacation in Maine.  We kidnapped Lola on the way here.  She bought you a wind-up lobster today which you chased all over the house and […]

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Sizzling weekend in NYC

Max: It was sizzling hot this weekend but we did not let the heat get to us. We took long walks and ran errands and we went to the water park both days. We went to a new park to check it out but we decided our little gem is the best we’ve seen yet […]

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Max takes Zulu to the park

Max: Zulu woke us all up at 5:30 Saturday morning (not that you usually sleep any longer).  So we decided we’d all go to the park to walk Zulu.  Dad carried you in the baby carrier.  You saw Zulu swim, jump over fences and run through the grass.  You loved looking at everything – so […]

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