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More New York parks … and vehicles

Max: our new bike riding gig is opening the city up to you. We’ve been able to make some pretty nice stops at great parks here and there. We found a little on this weekend in Tribeca that was just delightful. You enjoyed playing in the sand.  They even had and abundance of sand toys […]

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More biking for Max

Max: we took the plunge and finally purchased our own bikes. Mom went with a very retro upright bright red bike and dad went with the Cadillac of bikes: a massive, 90-pound bike that can hold 500 pounds in cargo. We outfitted his bike with not one, but two baby seats because we weren’t sure […]

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Max’s sad (but a little happy) weekend

Max: you were the unhappiest little child in Manhattan this weekend.  You had a doctor’s appointment earlier this week and got two shots.  A couple of days later, you started feeling rather miserable, and then on Saturday, you developed a head-to-toe rash.  We were a little concerned you had a reaction to a vaccine – […]

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Max and Zulu learn to play together

Guys: not much for you this Monday, sorry!  We had a great weekend this weekend, but mommy’s camera took a break.  We have a little video for you, though.  Max and Zulu have been learning how to play together.  We think they’ve both figured it out … More next week.

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Max goes to the zoo

Max: you had your first visit to the zoo today.  We waited through what looked like a mile long line to buy tickets (you were pretty patient – your dad took you to buy a balloon).  Your dad and I hadn’t been to the Central Park Zoo in a long time so we weren’t expecting […]

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