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Lost, but found

Found those photos I thought had gone missing from the bike trip over the Brooklyn bridge the last weekend in October. Wanted to share them even those this already seems like so long ago.  Winter is here and we are all snuggling in.  You are so much smarter and bigger than you were even here, […]

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Lola visits Max

Max: Lola just reminded me that I hadn’t put up your post yet.  I kept forgetting because daddy has me helping him right now and I lost track of everything else – not that this isn’t more important! Lola visited this weekend (and for the Thanksgiving holiday – which you slept through).  You had a […]

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Max’s weekend with Papa

Max: Your Papa Larry was in town this weekend.  You had a great time.  You played a lot with Zulu (you are both getting better at playing with each other).  And you and Papa Larry went through all of your toys.  He brought you some new ones with all sorts of buttons, bells and whistles […]

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Max goes to Brooklyn

Max: This weekend we were invited to Alison, Andy, Claudia and Scarlett’s house in Brooklyn They had a brunch filled with kids You made yourself right at home – you played with everyone. You really love playing with other children You can amuse yourself with anything … … really, anything You checked out the entire […]

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