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Max is back

Hi Max.  We’re back to posting.  We’ll catch everyone up.  You had a great weekend although you seem to be teething and have been waking up every couple of hours every night.  We started the weekend with our usual trip to Morandi for breakfast.  You are very popular there. We hung out with you on […]

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We haven’t forgotten you

Max: We haven’t been neglecting you, just your blog. We are still very sad but we promise to get your blog back up and running. I was just looking through old photos and came across this one from just after you first birthday. You are a much bigger boy now but you are still waiting […]

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A note to and from SuSu

Max: Your loving grandmother, SuSu, passed away suddenly on Saturday, February 19th. She loved you more than it is possible to describe. You are her first grandchild by blood. She wanted grandchildren (as any grandparent does) for a long time. She was an amazing woman: a businesswoman, a world traveler, a magnetic personality and a […]

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