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A note to and from SuSu

Your loving grandmother, SuSu, passed away suddenly on Saturday, February 19th. She loved you more than it is possible to describe. You are her first grandchild by blood. She wanted grandchildren (as any grandparent does) for a long time.

She was an amazing woman: a businesswoman, a world traveler, a magnetic personality and a vivacious spirit. Most uniquely, she was a ton of fun, and your dad and I loved her tremendously. Everyone will tell you great stories about her one day. We are so sorry you missed out on having great adventures with her.  A little while from now, she would have taken you sledding, bike riding and to all of the museums.  Later, she would have taught you valuable life lessons like the importance of family, friendship and generosity.  She would have traveled with you and shown you all sorts of  things.

We have tons of photos of her to share with you so that you will get to know her in a way when you are old enough.  She left you many notes on your blogs that you will be able to read.

We are going to miss her every day.  She was one-of-a-kind, as anyone will tell you.  You have what appears to be a bit of her spirit already:  you are fun-loving, joyful, and a bit silly.  Maybe she’s already imparted those qualities to you.  If she hasn’t, we’ll teach you about those things in the way she would have wanted.

ZaydaFebruary 22, 2011 - 9:31 pm

Max….your Mom has made a fitting tribute to a most wonderful woman. You will read her words of love in the comments she made so often on your blog. You will always be her special grandchild.

LolaFebruary 22, 2011 - 10:40 pm

Absolutely as beautiful a tribute as Sudy was and deserved.

PapaFebruary 23, 2011 - 8:24 am

MAX -These beautiful photos taken by your Mom tell a tale of true love between you and your Susu – wonderful memories will always be a part of all of our lives we shared with her and will live on through you – her #1 grandson. May her memory be a blessing.

yannette edwardsFebruary 24, 2011 - 5:16 pm

Sabra and Randy

This is a beautiful piece, it made me cry all over again to read it. I know Max is a special little guy, Sudy was so excited when he was born, she came running out to tell us when we were in Borneo…So glad Sudy got to spend time with him!


Elaine and Jay SilverFebruary 24, 2011 - 5:48 pm


Your SuSu was the most wonderful person. We know that she loved you very much, because she told us so. We, too, will miss her. Know that you were very, very special to your grandmother.

Love, Elaine and Jay Silver

EmilyFebruary 25, 2011 - 12:17 pm

Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I know Max will love all the wonderful tales of his grandmother that you will tell him and that he will absolutely treasure these beautiful pictures. He is adorable, and she loved him so, as she did all of you. Love, Emily Grady

Angelos,Stella,Theodora PilitsisFebruary 25, 2011 - 12:43 pm

Absolutely a real lady with such a tremendous humor,love and care
for all,family,friends,relatives.We miss your Susu and we hope one day to meet you and to tell you more stories about her.Definetely,you were her special,loving,adorable grandson.Her
Max,that even she is not with us she has a special place in Heaven and look at all of us and epecially to you.You were very lucky to have a grandmom like Susu.A grandmom that every grandchild would love to have.Long life to you and to your parents.Your greek family.Angelos,Stella,Theodora Pilitsis.

BobbieFebruary 25, 2011 - 4:49 pm

It’s a joy to see such beautiful photos of SuSu with you Max. You were her pride and joy. We all miss her so very much. I know her zest for life and her loving ways will live on through you.
With love and good wishes for a wonderful future.

Lynn MaltzFebruary 25, 2011 - 9:46 pm

Max, you are so beautiful and your Susu adored you. She wanted to be with you all the time! She had so much fun with you. I wish you could remember her; a beautiful, compassionate, loving caring woman. I hope you have some of these characteristics. I want to visit you some day in New York, I was very close to your Susu for many years.


Catherine KruppaFebruary 25, 2011 - 9:48 pm

Dear Max,
These photos really show the how full of life your SuSu was. She loved you very, very much and don’t ever forget that smile. I know I won’t. I miss her very much.
Catherine Kruppa

PeggyFebruary 25, 2011 - 9:52 pm

Max-Thank you for the wonderful pictures showing the great love she had for you. She was always so excited when she got to spend time with you. She would come home sharing her excitment and
the lastest photos.
I know as you grow there will be many things that you will do
that will remind others of her.
What a joy!
I will truly miss her and think of her often for the rest of
my life.

Barbara & Jerry SIlvermanFebruary 26, 2011 - 6:53 pm

Max, we know you will cherish these pictures of your SuSu. You are both so natural together. We too were saddened to hear of SuSu’s death and want you to know that she was a vivacious, charming, and great traveling partner. We went to Franch with Sudy and Alan some years ago and she was always willing to try anything. We had a wonderful trip with them. We too will miss your SuSu.

Great Auntie JeannieFebruary 27, 2011 - 2:40 pm

Max, I met your SuSu when your mommy and daddy were married. She was a wonderful, kind, generous, smart, caring, charming, loving person, and beautiful, very beautiful. I know that you will learn all about her from mommy and daddy. Everyone who knew her will miss her forever.

PeterFebruary 27, 2011 - 3:42 pm

What a beautiful tribute!

Lillian & Don KatzFebruary 28, 2011 - 11:19 am

Max, seeing the pictures of you & SuSu
are so beautiful & comforting to me. You
were her joy! She lived from visit to visit
to spend precious time with you. From
the minute she learned of your conception,
you always were the topic of discussion.
She was a dear friend , unique, caring,
& her zest for life was contageous! She
has been awarded her Halo & I will miss
her always. Lillian

Barbara LissFebruary 28, 2011 - 5:39 pm

Dear Max, Your Susu was kind, generous, and very funny. She loved being with you.
And though you had her for such a short time, you were so lucky to have her in
your life. As were we all. Barbara

JonMarch 1, 2011 - 6:02 am


I am teary , what a lovely memorial to a special


Susan BattestinMarch 3, 2011 - 3:50 pm

You were the apple of her eye! How she looked forward to doing all the things any grandmother does- getting to do all the fun things without most of the work or worry! She was always a blast to be with and made you feel special . She was the embodiment of joie de vivre ! You will grow up and hear great tales of all her adventures . I know how much we all will miss her. When I was a little girl she took me to do all sorts of fun things and I still remember what a thrill it was to be in her wedding ! We will all treasure those memories of SuSu and am certain that your mommy , daddy and Aunt Amy will make sure you grow up knowing how much you were loved by her and Alan.
Please come find out about your Louisiana roots and get to know all your cousins here.
Hugs and kisses to you and your parents

lital kimhiMarch 5, 2011 - 7:12 pm

Max, I didn’t know your grandma that much but knowing your dad and the man he is i am sure she was beautiful and generous woman, mother and grandma.
i met her couple of times one time even before you were born and she was so nice and friendly.
pictures showing how much she love you.
Randy and Sabra, we hug you and there for you in this sad time.

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