Mondays with Max » Blog

Max goes to the zoo

Max: you had your first visit to the zoo today.  We waited through what looked like a mile long line to buy tickets (you were pretty patient – your dad took you to buy a balloon).  Your dad and I hadn’t been to the Central Park Zoo in a long time so we weren’t expecting that much.

We were very pleasantly surprised! The zoo is gorgeous and we saw a lot of great stuff.

Including some seals who were very busy swimming and jumping up to show off.

You saw a polar bear and lots of penguins (did you think they looked like your stuffed animal?), birds, monkeys, sheep, lamas – the whole nine yards.  You had a great time.  We will definitely have to take you back.

Earlier today, dad took you to the park with Zulu. We all had breakfast at Pain Quotidien after your morning nap (you had yogurt, and berries, egg and bread). And after the zoo (and another nap), we went to sit on a picnic blanket in the 22nd street park (we thought you might eat more al fresco). Your dad and I are exhausted. Luckily SuSu is passing through town tomorrow … we are going to hand you off (she doesn’t know it yet).

PapaSeptember 6, 2010 - 6:21 am

MAX – It looks like you had a really fun day at the zoo and met lots of new creatures!
You are definitely a cutie pie – especially when you flash your BIG smile! I love you!

LolaSeptember 6, 2010 - 3:40 pm

Max: Look out for that polar bear! Wow! He’s gorgeous!

Dad always gets you a closeup look at everything. I think Mommy should write a booklet on Manhattan parks for kids. You’re all getting to see everything, and lots of people would be interested; – even the NY Times.

nancy kramerSeptember 6, 2010 - 5:44 pm

Dear Max, the zoo is my absolute favorite place in the park. Sometimes when I wake up early, I go down to the zoo and watch the animals on the zoo clock dance and play their musical instruments.
As far as I can tell, I’m the only grownupper that loves this clock so I think I need you as an alibi one day. Love, auntie

nancy kramerSeptember 6, 2010 - 5:45 pm

Dear Max, the zoo is my absolute favorite place in the park. Sometimes when I wake up early, I go down to the zoo and watch the animals on the zoo clock dance and play their musical instruments.
As far as I can tell, I’m the only grownupper that loves this clock so I think I need you as an alibi one day. Love, auntie

SuSuSeptember 23, 2010 - 4:41 pm

Zayda and I were in N.Y. with you the day these photos came out. We just missed all the fun of being at the zoo with you. It’s amazing what I’m learning about the N.Y. parks from your daddy’s and mom’s weekends taking you around. I love you with the seal jumping up to smile at you.

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