Mondays with Max » Blog

Max takes Zulu to the park

Max: Zulu woke us all up at 5:30 Saturday morning (not that you usually sleep any longer).  So we decided we’d all go to the park to walk Zulu.  Dad carried you in the baby carrier.  You saw Zulu swim, jump over fences and run through the grass.  You loved looking at everything – so much so that you would not fall asleep until we got home (and then you napped until almost noon!).

We called your great Aunt Nancy when we got there and met up toward the end.  That was the highlight for you.  You are really into pointing now.  You want to ask about and show us everything.  Just wait until you are really talking!

You had lots of kisses for everyone.  Even the bronze bear you met leaving the park.  You are a very sweet boy – it is so touching.  We don’t know how you learned to be so affectionate.

You had so much fun, we took you back on Sunday morning.  You are so tired now you are really ready for the weekend to be over!

On another note, you have been practicing walking with some new walkers.  Here’s another video from dad:

PapaJuly 12, 2010 - 6:19 am

hi max – great photos of you in the park with your mom, dad, auntie & zulu! Your walking video is wonderful – I almost felt like I was there with you! Your Monday blog helps bridge the tide! Miss & love you lots! Papa

LolaJuly 12, 2010 - 2:20 pm

Max: You’re just like your Lola – an inquirer; and judged by your great walk with the spiffy new aid, you don’t like to be stuck, like me, either. Keep pushing, Max!

SuSuJuly 16, 2010 - 5:17 pm

Oh, boy, finally got a computer that would show me all these cute photos and the movie, sort of. We are in Montana and Wyoming checking out the national parks, and the Wifi is little and far between. You would love all these animals, Max. Today we saw the cutest little chipmunks, right about the size for you to enjoy, scampering back and forth across our path. Some day we will take you here, and you can see for yourself. Meanwhile, it’s fun to see you in your little woods in Central Park.

SuSuAugust 9, 2010 - 8:28 pm

This is the only place I could find to comment. I hope it appears next to your photos at the beach. You look adorable sitting on the beach with your bucket and shovel. The videos Dad is taking are sweet as can be, especially your dancing to the music and your stair climbing. Amazing that you figured out how to come down backwards already. Hope they are showing these to you. That should make a funny video.

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