Mondays with Max » Blog


LolaApril 4, 2011 - 7:47 pm

Oh, Max! Mommy’s just a little control freak, blogging from far away places. And now you can go barefoot outdoors; what a pleasure! I want to know if you’re a wave rider yet.

nancy kramerApril 4, 2011 - 9:45 pm

Max — you travelling guy! Now you even have your own passport. You’re such a water baby that I can hear your glee all the way up here while you’re splashing around in the photos down there. Have a delicious get away all three of you. Love, auntie

PapaApril 5, 2011 - 7:05 am

MAX – I always knew you were a morning person like your Daddy – a great way to start the day in your fancy p j’s with lots of sun & water. Ask your Mommy to get in front of the camera for a photo of all 3 of you! Love, Papa

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