Mondays with Max » Blog

Max’s afternoon at the park

Max:  The parks in New York are completely fabulous and are you are getting to the age where you appreciate them.  Your dad and I are going to start taking you to different parks every weekend.  We started with Teardrop park in Battery Park this weekend.  We knew there was water but we weren’t quite prepared to get so soaked.  You could not resist the fountains.  Next time we’ll bring your bathing suit!

PapaJune 28, 2010 - 7:14 am

MAX – What a great idea – you and the New York parks. From your photos, it looks like you are having so much fun. It won’t be long ‘ti you are running around on your own splashing in the water. I love you. Papa

SuSuJune 28, 2010 - 8:10 am

Better than just a bath, huh? This way you can get all wet with friends. Who knew this could be a group activity! Does Zulu like the water, too? Didn’t catch sight of her there. Probably the slide is out for her. You look cute. Susu misses you.

LolaJune 28, 2010 - 11:23 am

Well, so much to see, so much to say:
Double polkys, double chin – Max, you’re getting bigger. Tell Dad it’s not cool to wear sneakers down the slide. I think we’ll have to run a sprinkler when you come here. Bring your bathing suits.

LolaJune 28, 2010 - 11:26 am

Hey Dad – Cut out all that kissing in public!

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