Mondays with Max » Blog

Max is back

Max: it’s the new year and I’m getting re-invigorated about keeping your blog up-to-date. I’m going to catch up on some posts I never made, even though it’s not technically Monday.

A lot fewer people comment on the blog these days which was making me feel like people weren’t paying attention.  But a number of people have asked about you and your blog over the past weeks which has made me realize people are still looking in, even if they aren’t vocal…

So here we are!  Lola visited over Christmas and stirred up some fun for you.  We went to the new Lionel train store on Fifth avenue to look at the train displays.

You were naturally quite fond of all of the moving items.  Know what you thought the best part was?

The red buttons on the side of the display that animate the different pieces!  You are still a very big fan of buttons!

You had a great holiday, with lots of new toys from all of your relatives.  This included a drum set from lexi and grant, books from aunt amy, a new dump truck from Lola, and a rocking horse and wooden educational toy from grandpa Richard!  You are definitely a little man of many great toys!

More updates over the next few days!

LolaJanuary 1, 2011 - 8:57 pm

Maxi: Your mom has me really confused. I think it’s Saturday nite, but we just got Mondays with Max. It must be all of the New Year’s partying going on at 205: Did you get a look at that caviar tin?? WOW! – is what you would say, and me too! Have another happy, healthy, growing year, Max. We’ve had a wonderful time watching you. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYBODY!

PapaJanuary 2, 2011 - 8:38 am

Hooray – you’re back! I’ve missed visiting with you every Monday. It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas visiting some of the great venues New York city has to offer including the Lionel train store, but I’m not sure which of you loved those trains the most – you or your Daddy who built his own train layout in Kansas City during his visits with me. Happy New Year!

SuSuJanuary 3, 2011 - 11:10 pm

Your dad made a huge layout for his train in our Houston garage that took up the entire garage. Too bad we didn’t save it. You’ll have fun making one of your own one day.

PeterJanuary 5, 2011 - 8:36 pm


PeterJanuary 5, 2011 - 8:38 pm

Something happened to my comment. Cute Pictures!

Uncle GrantJanuary 8, 2011 - 5:23 pm

So glad you’re back Max! I was one of the silent majority secretly hoping for an update!

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