Mondays with Max » Blog

Lost, but found

Found those photos I thought had gone missing from the bike trip over the Brooklyn bridge the last weekend in October.

Wanted to share them even those this already seems like so long ago.  Winter is here and we are all snuggling in.  You are so much smarter and bigger than you were even here, Max.

Susu and Zayda were here this weekend.  You had such a good time with them – you were really, really great.

We were so busy having fun mommy didn’t take a single picture.  You got your hair cut again – you look great.  Will share some pictures of your cute new ‘do soon.  Sorry I don’t have photos of Susu here – next time, I promise.

PapaDecember 7, 2010 - 3:06 pm

Nice! Great photos. MAX – you are getting to be a big boy!

alisonDecember 9, 2010 - 11:13 am

Max, next time you traverse the bridge, please do stop by! you are welcome in brooklyn anytime. xo

LolaDecember 14, 2010 - 5:01 pm

Well, this is a rogue’s gallery of lost cyclists. I think Maxi is the only responsible one in that group.

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