Mondays with Max » Blog

Max’s Halloween

Max: you are still fighting off your cold.  This weekend, we took it a bit easy and you stayed around the house more than usual.  By Sunday, you were really ready to get out of here.  We took you over to City Treehouse for some indoor play.

They have  a big water thing that you can splash your hands around in and do all sorts of activities.  It’s pretty cool.

You love playing with the water.

And you ended up getting pretty soaked.

In addition to playing with the toys …

… and squirting things …

… you always want to drink the water.  There are all sorts of fun things to climb on there

Not sure who had more fun – you, or your dad.

You are doing an excellent job walking.  You pretty much walk everywhere now.

PapaNovember 1, 2010 - 7:32 pm

MAX – It looks like you had a great Halloween! You are like a little fishy with your connection to water. City Treehouse must be a great place to have lots of fun. You and your Daddy are having a blast. So glad you are feeling better. I love you!

SuSuNovember 1, 2010 - 8:10 pm

You look so cute walking out of the big tree. I haven’t seen you walk in person yet. Can’t wait. You’re brave to check out all that new play equipment. Did you guys leave Zulu at home? I’m not used to seeing you without her. Bet she was glad when you got home.

LolaNovember 1, 2010 - 8:54 pm

A fish! That’s what you are Max.
The only thing that frightens me is daddy’s bare feet!

LolaNovember 1, 2010 - 8:55 pm

A FISH! That’s what you are, Max!
The only thing that worries me is Daddy’s bare feet!

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