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Max’s weekend: part II: Max and Lola hit the streets

It’s time to share part II of Max’s weekend last weekend.  First off – behold the new haircut.  Max: you look like a real little boy, not a baby anymore.

Then – the highlight of the weekend – Lola hit the streets with us (as did Auntie Lexi).

Auntie Lexi couldn’t believe how nonchalant you were about the whole thing.  You are just in Max’s world when we go biking.  Nothing phases you.

Lola was totally game for a bike ride – you cannot stop her.  Although she did have a great time complaining about the traffic, her thighs, etc.

But she was a trooper.

And she did it with a smile.

You seem to be engaged in some deep conversation here

I love this picture of your Aunt Lexi – it’s stellar

Look how happy you are to have an entourage

Your dad pointed out the sites

See the statue of liberty?

Love this one too – great esprit!

LolaOctober 14, 2010 - 8:49 pm

Max: So now your Lola wears leg braces – permanently!
You’re without emotion as you wheel thru the barricades, around people, ringing your bell when I ring mine. You couldn’t care less about anything, so long as the motion doesn’t stop.
I was misled (Was there any other way to entice me to do this?):
“Oh, mom; it’s just a short ride, flat and easy.”
Not only was there “heartbreak hill”, but at least 100,000 bodies to weave around on a gorgeous blue-sky day, in one of Manhattan’s most popular parks. Duck and weave, yell and ring.
While I cringed, you loved it all.
Lucky Ducky, you are Maxi. You’re used to having the moon and stars.
(I can’t understand how your Aunt can go bike riding and look so fashionable; while I just sweat.)

nancy kramerOctober 14, 2010 - 10:07 pm

There’s nothing better than pictures of a family playing together!

PapaOctober 15, 2010 - 6:58 am

MAX – A great time was had by all – such fun!

Michele BowenOctober 15, 2010 - 8:48 am

Beautiful photos, gorgeous boy!

SuSuOctober 15, 2010 - 9:26 am

What a hoot! I don’t believe that complaining for a minute, Lola. It’s all a cover up for what a blast it was and hopes that it’ll be there for each visit to come. You look quite the hip grandmother in your helmet. I’m praying that the weather holds out till the 1st weekend in December. Say a prayer. I think I will be daunted by the gillions of bikes around me, too, though. Max, I’m putting my bike pants out now!

alisonOctober 22, 2010 - 4:19 pm

Max, your Lola is a star and apparently game for anything. This is to your advantage, enjoy!

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