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Monthly Archives: August 2010

Papa’s in town

Max: the big news in your life is that you are really, really into fire trucks.  It’s unclear exactly why: you can’t know it’s all about cool men fighting fires.  You really just know it’s a red truck and a siren.  But whatever it is that you think is going on it’s clear that you […]

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Max’s eventful weekend (part 1)

Max: you had quite the weekend.  First, you had your first haircut … Let’s just say it went about as expected … But you look great now and you recovered quickly especially with the help of a new toy and a balloon from the store nearby. For more of Max’s eventful weekend, please continue on […]

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Max’s eventful weekend (part 2)

After the haircut, it was on to lunch on the Upper East Side. They still don’t know what hit them. We offered to windex the windows but they are very polite. For the last installment, please continue on…

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Max’s eventful weekend (part 3)

Then later that day it was off for a visit to auntie Lexi and uncle’s grant’s. Uncle Grant was at work – he missed all the fun. You and Bowie enjoyed catching up. You wreaked some havoc on their apartment. You played with Uncle Grant’s new modem (don’t tell him).  And enjoyed the tv flickr, […]

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Stay tuned

We’re back from Maine and we’ve had a very busy time settling back in and getting ready for work.  Max: you are really happy to be back among your toys and in the city with lots of cars.  Stay tuned for a more complete update in the next day or two – I’ll email you […]

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